10:6 Done Is Better Than Perfect - Andre Gagnon
10:6 Done Is Better Than Perfect - Andre Gagnon

10:6 Done Is Better Than Perfect

Meet Andre the brains behind Project Huddle. He’s had great success on ThemeForest as well as launching his very own answer to inVision which is truly WordPress based.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Meet Andre the brains behind Project Huddle. He’s had great success on ThemeForest as well as launching his very own answer to inVision which is truly WordPress based.

Andre Gagnon - ProjectHuddle


Andre Gagnon


We get great insight into the world of selling themes on ThemeForest, and he unpacks why he chose to go-it-alone with his new product, Project Huddle.

Don’t forget your coupon code if you want to purchase Project Huddle (see below)!


Done is better than perfect.
User will tell you what they want.
Feedback will help you evolve the product and grow.

Connect with Andre:

Project Huddle: https://projecthuddle.com/
Portfolio: https://themeforest.net/user/themewich/portfolio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajgagnon

Coupon Code for Project Huddle:



PodcastSeason 10

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs