29:4 Stop redesigning your agency website - Lee Matthew Jackson

29:4 Stop redesigning your agency website Members Public

Many agencies go through multiple itterations of their website, never quite happy with what they have produced. We know this because we are guilty of this, and a huge percentage of our community are forever apologising for their own websites.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 29
29:5 How to motivate your agency - Lee Matthew Jackson

29:5 How to motivate your agency Members Public

Agency life can frankly be boring, repetitive and stressful. Being an agency owner can be demanding, exhausting and discouraging. How do you stay motivated and galvanise the team around you? In this episode Lee drops motivation wisdom from our new YouTube series.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 29
29:3 How to establish your brand message - Lee Matthew Jackson

29:3 How to establish your brand message Members Public

What is your brand voice and message? If you don’t know then neither to your potential clients. What helps you stand out from a crowded market place is a clear message that engages your ideal client.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 29
29:2 You are NOT a failure - Lee Matthew Jackson

29:2 You are NOT a failure Members Public

Do you feel like a failure? Is your agency not where you feel it should be? In this episode I share how we dealt with both failure and the feelings of failure in our agency.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 29

How to use local networking to generate leads Members Public

Is your design agency missing a trick by not connecting into the local community? Local networking groups and events are fantastic for generating leads for your business. People often think that they need to focus their resources into online advertisement, content and social media, and as great as these all

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
28:8 How to exceed expectations - Jordan Johnson

28:8 How to exceed expectations Members Public

Your agency need not be a cookie cutter clone of what others think an agency should be. You can truly create something unique that will serve your target market and your own plans too.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 28
28:7 Marketing activities for agencies - Lee Matthew Jackson

28:7 Marketing activities for agencies Members Public

Once you know your ideal customer, developing a long term marketing strategy is essential. To avoid feast and famine there are a range of activities you should be planning and then engaging with to ensure a health attraction strategy for your business.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 28
29:1 Launching, niching and growing an agency - Tim Brown

29:1 Launching, niching and growing an agency Members Public

What your agency looks like today is likely nothing like you thought it would be. Equally you may be wondering how to start making necessary changes in your business to allow you to grow the team, or free up more of your time.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 29